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Someone dies and then there’s a LOT of music July 16, 2009

Posted by Patrick in Cinematics.
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"My Mother's Red Hat"

I like Alanis Morissette. But a lot of people don’t. And that’s sort of understandable. She does herself no favours by singing with a Canadian accent (yeah I know she can’t help it but…no I actually think she could help it). She sang a song about irony that was ironic in the fact that it wasn’t ironic at all. I could go on. But I won’t. Because I like her.

I also like Alicia Silverstone. And even though both of their careers more or less died with the 90s, they’ve teamed up for a fake (unfortunately) trailer for a fake movie, “My Mother’s Red Hat”. It’s brilliant. Really. I feel somewhat sad for actually wanting them to make this movie though. The cult classic that never was, courtesy of FunnyorDie.com.

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